6th Edition of the Annual Paris Conference on SEPs and FRAND
Paris/Online, 16 November 2023 - Sisvel is pleased to join on November 16th the 6th edition of the Paris annual conference on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) and FRAND.
Co-organized by APEB - Association of European Patent Practicioners, and LES (Licensing Executives Society) France, the event will gather together a distinguished panel of IP experts and judges from across the globe.
Mattia Fogliacco, President of Sisvel, will join the first roundtable of the day alongside prominent figures such as Anne von Zukowski, EU Commission, DG Grow, Eeva Hakoranta, Interdigital, and Alexander Härtel, Deutsche Telekom. Under the moderation of Prof. Peter Georg Picht, Zürich University, they will delve into the pros and cons of the new Commission’s Proposed Regulation
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