World IP Forum 2024

10 13 Jan 2024
Bangalore, India

Continuing with the same standards, the next World IP Forum which will take place at Hotel Shangri-La, Bengaluru in India from 10th January to 13th January 2024.

The theme for the conference is 'Intellectual Property: The Age of Powerful Techades'. This four-days conference will focus on recent developments in Intellectual Property and its syncing with business objectives.

Sven Torringer, Director and Senior Counsel Legal & Business at Sisvel, will guide the discussion as the moderator for the panel on "Patent Licensing for IoT."

Esteemed speakers joining this session include:

  • Dr. Sheetal Chopra, Director & India Lead - IPR Policy, Ericsson India Ltd. (India)

  • Keith Mallinson, Managing Partner, WiseHarbor (UK)

  • Christian Dubuc, Founder, President, and CEO, Harfang IP (USA)

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